
Reboot, reset, restart, whatever you want to call it; I need one. Like my new friend Andy Starnes said - No one can “steal” your joy, you make a choice to give it away freely. And I have definitely given mine away for some reason.

It’s been a very eventful last couple of months at work and home and I’ve allowed some of those events to beat me down (mainly at work). It has definitely lead me to a place with more questions than answers.

🔹 What am I truly trying to accomplish here?

🔹 Am I doing it the right way and for the right reasons?

🔹 What am I pushing to the backseat by doing all this?

🔹 Will I ever be able to find an appropriate balance of work, home, and outside fire service activities?

🔹 Can I overcome the pressure and stress coming from those that don’t appreciate my message?

Eventually these answers will come but everything is so muddy right now. I’m going to take a step back from the podcast for at least a week and try to regain my bearings. I love being apart of all this and feel like it could be a piece of my purpose but I’m not interested in doing it just to be putting out content if my head and heart are not in it. I take great pride in being as real as I possibly can be and by only speaking on subjects that I feel that I have been given a message to share. But right now my mind feels empty and that message isn’t so clear.

I know it will return and hopefully with even more clarity and conviction than ever. I love to say keep pushing, keep driving forward but sometimes you lose your directions and need to take a step back to refocus on what direction to go.

I’m excited for the future as always!


It’s OK If You Aren’t OK