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Episode #116 - Our “True” Biggest Enemy
Excuses are easy to find if we really want to. No matter what area of life we’re talking about, there is always something that we can find to blame our shortcomings on. But who or what is truly to blame. I think you know where I’m headed, join me in a little tough conversation on why it’s time to stop stepping back and start stepping up.
The Crew 1st Culture Podcast is available wherever you enjoy listening to podcasts.

Where is your focus today? Are you consumed with all the bad things that have happened to you, all the barriers that seem to constantly be placed in your way, all the people that have taken advantage of or mistreated you? Or are you focused on how great it will feel once you overcome this obstacle, beat this challenge, and prove to others how great you really are?
Obstacles are placed in our lives for a reason and if that wasn’t frustrating enough, we probably won’t be able to see what that reason is right away. So we act in faith, faith in the fact that we are here for a purpose and if challenges arise it’s because it’s time to grow, time to get stronger, and time to learn something that we’ll need to overcome the next challenge.
We act in that faith, we keep pushing forward, and we continue to persevere because there are no other options. Yes we can give up, we can roll over and say “enough is enough, I’m tired of fighting”, “ I just don’t have the strength to keep going”. But that’s not us, that’s not a part of our purpose.
We show up every day to fight because we are the warriors that have been sent here to fight it. We continue to stand up again and again for what we know is right because we are the crusaders sent for that purpose. We reject “the way things have always been” and closed mindedness because we are the renegades sent here to challenge the status quo and to eliminate the minimum standard mindset.
Even though we may at times feel overwhelmed and broken we also know that we’re not alone in this fight. There are always others out there willing to stand tall beside us. We fight because we know it’s the right thing to do.
We are the gladiators in the arena!

It’s that time. We’re a long way from home so I’m looking forward to meeting some new friends and making some new connections. #safre #pastpresentandfuture

Slowly getting caught up on posts here. These are some from this years @revolutionaryfiretacticsatlake conference a couple of weeks ago. These students had a great chance to learn from some top notch instructors from @trainingsolutions405 .
They also got a chance to use a great prop set up courtesy of @squad58tx fitted with doors from @woodsforcibleentry . They also got to use some cutting edge tools courtesy of @firemaultools .
Great time has by all!